Software Craftsmanship Manifesto
This is a copy of the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto. To read when we’re in doubt or lost to find our path out of the darkness.
I write to balance all the learning and the constant chatting in my mind. It helps clear my mind. It's also a way to apply what I learned and gain retention. I write for me, my future me, and the people who can benefit from it.
This is a copy of the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto. To read when we’re in doubt or lost to find our path out of the darkness.
I duplicated the Agile manifesto and its principles. It's nice to read it from time to time.
Why do I take book notes? How do I take them? For who? I’ll answer these questions in this blog post.
Writing is hard. I like the idea of writing but doing it over a long time with care is just another beast. There are many times I started but then stopped. This time, I'll try another approach. Writing for myself.
Building a website from scratch in your spare time is no easy fit, even with coding skills. Why is that? Because it's not just about writing code. Here, I'll share my feedback on making my website with some pieces of advice.